Proposal Evaluation

A committee designated by the Provost will advise the Provost on the allocation of funds.

Project proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
•    Alignment with this year’s ITIF theme.
•    Prospects for integration into a unit’s overall curriculum plan and programmatic priorities
•    The interdisciplinary/interprofessional nature of the project
•    The level of student involvement in the project
•    The assessment/evaluation component of the project
•    The transferability of the project’s idea or concept to other units
•    The ‘shareability’ and ‘modifiability’ of the project, and the degree to which open standards are employed.
•    The degree to which the project leverages existing resources and mechanisms at UofT
•    The specificity of the matching funds
•    The specificity of a plan for long-term sustainability


ITIF Funded Project Timeline and Expectations

The ITIF project cycle is as follows:

  • Complete and submit the required ITIF application package through the ITIF website (Date: November 7, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST)
  • Letters to all applicants, and funds released to successful applicants by (Date: January 2024)
  • Submit a status report on January 31 of each year the project is active and on completion of the project (Date: January 31 each year)

Proposals that will eventually be disseminated through academic journals, conferences or otherwise reported for scholarly review must receive appropriate ethics review. As a general principle, if you are collecting any kind of data about humans, and especially if you plan on presenting or writing about a research component of your project, ethics approval may be required. We strongly urge you to consult with your divisional research services office to make this determination.

The ITIF does not directly support faculty remuneration

The ITIF does not directly support faculty remuneration, however, it should be considered a resource for departments and programs to further faculty development.  A strong evaluative component is expected in each project and the outcomes should be of publishable quality.

The ITIF does not pay for basic computer and related equipment expenses, nor will such items be considered as matching funds. However, specialized equipment that is specifically related to the project may be eligible, so long as a justification for inclusion is contained in the application.

The ITIF does not provide ongoing support for any initiative beyond the initial grant. Proposals are encouraged to clearly articulate plans for sustained funding of successful projects. It is expected that, if successful, the results of the ITIF projects will be meaningfully incorporated into a unit’s education programs.

Research Assistant (RA) expenses are eligible for funding. 

Nature of ITIF Funding

Funding is provided for a period of up to two years per project (not per year). All applications in the matching fund stream must have secured 1:1 matched funding. Matching funds must be guaranteed in writing through an attached letter of support. This could include funds from other granting agencies a department or private source.


Proposals will be accepted from fully appointed University of Toronto faculty and librarians; however, priority will be given to submissions from University of Toronto units (departments, recognized programs of study, academic units, or divisions) or interdisciplinary/interprofessional teams, as compared to submissions from individuals.

Individuals or groups who had previously received support from the ITIF or ITCDF as individuals or in small groups are eligible to apply, provided all conditions of the fund are met, including fulfillment of any obligations from a previous ITIF or ITCDF award.

This is not a Research Grant

Please remember that this is an innovation grant, not a research grant, even though a research component to a project is highly valued. In the past, we’ve received proposals that were clearly written as research proposals only, and while those research proposals would have led to important scholarly contributions, that is not what the fund is for. The fund is for ‘creating’ something innovative that enhances the teaching capabilities of the University.

However, if you do intent to conduct research on your innovation, please remember to check with Research Services for ethics guidance if you are including a research component in your project proposal.

What kind of projects will be considered?

As in previous years, proposals need not be specifically tied to the theme; however, projects that do so will be adjudicated accordingly. Three Funding Streams

  1. Seed Funding Stream: Maximum $2,000 with no matching requirement
  2. Matched Funding (same as previous years): Maximum $5,000 with matching funds from another source

The evaluation criteria remain the same for all streams. Applications due November 7, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. EST.