ITCDF Recipients 2003 to 2004

Department PI Project Title
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor W.L. Cleghorn
Web-Based Learning for Teaching Mechanics of Machines
Institute for Aerospace Studies Professor Reza Emami
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation Station (AER201Y)
Edward S Rogers Sr Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Stefan Zukotynsi
Adapting CCNet to UofT Requirements
Department of Botany Corey Goldman The Meeting Place: Online for Life Science Students
Department of Chemistry Scott Mabury ANALEST: Analystical Lab for Envir. Sci.
Department of Computer Science Tina Nicholl Web Tools for Computer Program Comprehension
Department of English Pia Kleber Video Editing for U.C. Drama Program
Department of Fine Art G. Bell FADIS: Fine Art Digital System
Department of French Jeffrey Steele Audio Files for French Pronunciation
Faculty of Arts and Science Paul Ruppert LLTI: Language Lab Teaching Initiative
Department of Physics David M. Harrison Web Based Analysis of Laboratory Data
Department of Political Science Joseph Fletcher Internet Materials for POL242Y
Department of Political Science Jacques Bertand Full-motion Video and Multimedia Lectures
Department of Statistics Keith Knight Web Presence for Undergraduates
Faculty of Dentistry Helen Grad
Clinical Decision-Making Skills in Pharmacology for Dental Students
Faculty of Dentistry Dr. Howard Tenenbaum
Web-Based Review of Peridontology for Dental Undergraduates
Resource Centre for Academic Computing (RCAT) Jutta Treviranus
STA: Student Technology Assistant Program
Office of the Chief Librarian Sandra Langlands
Online Introduction to Health Informatics
Department of Physiology Christopher Perumalla
Physiology Simulations
Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation Tina Smith Using Ed. Technology for Grad. Ed. for Health Professionals
Faculty of Nursing Maureen Barry
Enhancing Web-Based Interactive Learning in Undergrad Nursing Pgm
OISE/UT Dr Avi Hyman
Electronic Learning Objects Wizard
University of Toronto at Scarborough (UTSC) Alan Rosselet
Network Simulation Environment
Faculty of Social Work Professor Rob MacFadden
Deepening the Voice: Emotionally-oriented communication
University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) Kathi Wilson
Learning about Geography and the Environment through Interactive Teaching
University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) William Thompson
Software for Research Methods Courses on Human Communication and Technology

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