ITIF Recipients 2017


Dept/Division PI(s) Project Title
Department of Surgery (with BMC @ UTM) Judi Laprade Kinundrum: a problem-based multimedia learning

Kinundrum, now in development, is a multimedia tool that presents anatomy case studies and interactive exercises accompanied by virtual 3D models, animations, and illustrations. Supplementary to Elementary Human Anatomy, a core course for BKin students, Kinundrum will enhance knowledge retention, foster deeper understanding, and develop critical thinking skills.

Physical and Environmental Sciences (UTSC)

Shadi Dalili

Using 3-D Visualization Technology for Enhanced Student Learning

To aid in 3D visualization of molecules and their chemical transformations, we have designed and developed a 3D augmented reality (AR) tool, called ARchemy. ARchemy will help students understand chemical interactions by using tactile AR markers to simulate molecular bonds in a 3D digital environment. For example, students are able to use their phone/tablet camera with this app to visualize 2D molecules drawn on paper, in 3D.

Molecular Genetics

Johanna Carroll

Development and Evaluation of a Genomic Methodologies Course featuring Gamified Laboratory Simulations

Laboratory techniques in genomic medicine are advancing rapidly, requiring expensive infrastructure, and posing challenges to teaching in traditional settings. The project involves the development of a Genomic Methodologies course featuring the use of virtual lab simulations to teach advanced laboratory techniques, and testing whether a simulated environment can address the observed pedagogical obstacles.

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Kathy Vu

Discovery learning: An evaluation of case-based learning pathways

Students within the PharmD for Pharmacists Program are experienced pharmacists with expertise in providing patient care. They should benefit from discovery learning principles applied in curriculum development. The purpose of this project is to increase knowledge acquisition and enhance self-directed learning, through the use of case-based learning pathways.

Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences

Ronald Soong

Maker Revolution Meets Accessibility Needs: Making Laboratory Assistive Devices (LAD) through simple robotics and sensors for students with disabilities

This project involves enhancing the experiential learning capacity of students with disabilities in an undergraduate chemistry lab through laboratory assistive devices (LAD) via 1) automating the most meticulous procedure with precision and accuracy 2) incorporating sensory replacement features to existing laboratory equipment, allowing for the possibility of laboratory independence for students with disabilities.

Faculty of Music

Sebastiano Bisciglia

Reimagining Undergraduate Instrumental Instruction with Live Video Playback and Recording

Live video playback and video recording—by encouraging multi-modal, self-reflection in students—are important tools in experiential learning. The project involves; designing a single instrumental-instructional classroom equipped with video technologies, assessing the technologies’ impact on student learning, and appraisal of the value of equipping all instrumental-instructional classrooms similarly throughout the Faculty of Music.

University of St. Michael’s College

Silvia Vong

Blending Training: An exploration of student training online and in-person

This project explores the value of the blended learning approach in training students in work positions within the Library. The purpose is to evaluate the training methods: online learning tools and in-person training. The project will measure the impact of both methods on their training and work.

L.S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Jana Lok

Using Interprofessional, Student-Directed Simulation to Enhance Critical Thinking and Collaboration in Emergency Situations in Community Health Settings

Students from the Faculties of Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Medicine (Physician Assistant Program) will be mentored to develop a student-led and facilitated interprofessional simulation and eLearning module pertaining to the emergency management of a patient in a community health setting. This project will enhance critical thinking, interprofessional collaboration and awareness of women’s heart health.

Centre for Teaching and Learning, UTSC

Elaine Khoo

Development of needed functionalities of VEA2 to enhance English Language Learners (ELL)s’ learning experience and faculty ability to be assess learning more fairly

Having established VEA’s usefulness in helping ELLs understand course readings, expand their vocabulary and self-train in Academic English usage, we seek to develop further functionalities for students and faculty use. This application seeks to build dashboards and learning analytics for students and faculty use, and build structure needed for self-e-assessment.

Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Jim Hewitt

Extending Pepper to Support to Large Undergraduate Courses

Pepper is an online discussion board platform developed at OISE-UT. Need support to i) complete the final stages of integrating Pepper into the Academic Toolbox, and ii) modify the software to better meet the needs of large undergraduate classes.

Biological Science (UTSC)

Dan Riggs

Quizzical 4.0

Quizzical is an on-line multiple choice question authoring and learning assessment tool that has been developed with prior ITIF funding. The LTI compliant software is currently used by multiple courses across the UofT campuses. Funding is requested to improve image selection and output pages and to solve minor problems to enhance user experience.

Dept. of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Susan McCahan

Interactive Visual Rubric Tool

The proposed tool will reformulate tabular rubrics into interactive displays to make assessment easier and more effective for different groups of users: instructors and students. The goal is to improve the impact of formative feedback by integrating and visualizing feedback information thus improving communication between the instructor and student.

Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Manjit Dhanoa-Yasi

Clinical Faculty E-Development Program

The goal of this project is to enhance the preparation and development of clinical nursing faculty, who directly facilitate small groups of undergraduate nursing student learning in clinical settings, by moving to a hybrid delivery model that includes the creation of three self-directed, interactive, media rich e-learning modules.

Public Health Sciences

Paula Braitstein

Technology-mediated learning for planetary health sustainability

This project involves developing a multi-media, bi-national, graduate-level course to provide Masters and PhD students from public health disciplines with the knowledge and skills necessary to meaningfully respond to the public and population health priorities of planetary health, including climate/environmental changes and sustainable human development.

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Matthew Mackay

Unified Engineering Communications Instructional Toolkit: Improving Student Engineers’ Written Communication Skills through Highly Integrated Custom Diagnostic and Instructional Software and Online Learning Modules.

Engineering curriculum integrates communication instruction into core courses. While effective, this restricts the number of learning outcomes addressed and pedagogical approaches. We propose using Digital Reusable Learning Objects (DRLOs) that meet engineering-specific disciplinary requirements. A pilot project will develop and assess a DRLO combining innovative software and engineering-appropriate learning modules.

Office of the Dean, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering

Tom Coyle

Developing a Self-Sustaining Active Learning Community of Practice

The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering (FASE)’s new Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CEIE) features several technology enhanced active learning (TEAL) classrooms, designed to promote learning through activities and collaboration. To promote effective teaching in this new environment, we seek to support our instructors by expanding FASE’s TEAL Fellowship.

Faculty of Information

Colin Furness

Flipping the classroom with video lectures

This project will produce videos introducing selected foundational topics in the 1st year Information Systems, Services & Design” grad course. These videos will range in length from 15-45 minutes, to partially flip the classroom. These videos will include interviews with domain experts, and will facilitate self-paced learning which is urgently needed for this 260-student technology “leveling” course required across 2 faculties and astonishingly diverse backgrounds.

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning (OISE)

Mary Drinkwater

CTAP – Connecting Technology and Pedagogy

The goal of the CTAP project is to pilot, assess and refine a set of principles and strategies (Drinkwater, 2017) to support the development of accessible, collaborative and engaging online or blended graduate-level learning environments, including pilot testing an online virtual teaching and learning tool, Zoom for Education.

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